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Rich’s Common Sense Guide to Erasing Debt & Building Wealth in Tough Times: Insider Secrets & Strategies to Free You From Debt Now and Forever — GUARANTEED!
Bankruptcy Lawyer Rich Fonfrias has helped thousands of people erase millions of dollars of debt using the powerful methods he explains in this book. As a lawyer, Rich fights for his clients both in and out of court. He protects them with bankruptcy when that’s the best strategy. And he relies on bankruptcy alternatives when they benefit his clients.
In this common sense guide, Rich’s experience as a lawyer helps you understand foreclosure, home equity loans, credit scores, bankruptcy, bankruptcy alternatives, and how to build a strong financial future.
By Rich Fonfrias
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Rich Fonfrias
Book Testimonials
“We would like to thank Richard Fonfrias for writing this practical, accurate, easy to read guide about money problems. THIS BOOK IS A VALUABLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION AND A MUST READ FOR US ALL.
Expertly written in plain English, so the reader understands every word, this book covers it all, from pinpointing the source of the money problem to solving, gathering information to letter writing, negotiating with creditors to deciding whether bankruptcy is right for you and so much more.
This is a very helpful tool and must have.
Dennis & Deborah Wimberley”